This page is part of the homeplace advertisement-free web portal. (It is politics-free too, except for 3 sections which are obviously not.)

Don't know much about neoconservatism?

  1. Learn basic concepts. (If the link fails, go here.)

  2. Are you a "neocon"? (If the link fails, go here, half way down.)

  3. Who are these guys?  The path to power for leading neocons.

  4. Israel -> the neocons -> US foreign policy:  How strong are these influences?   There's no simple answer. You decide.  Learn about the Israel Lobby.  (Don't worry, you won't become antisemitic just by taking a look!)

Where can one go to learn more?  

After thinking about all the above, you should have a good idea
why someone like George Will would call neoconservatism
 a "spectacularly misnamed radicalism".

Only recently, a debate within Israel and pro-Israel circles over whether neocon-dominated US Middle East policies really serve the interests of the Jewish state has spread to Washington. More.

What are the neocons up to as 2006 becomes history? 
Well, they are badly fragmented, discouraged, and disappointed. 
They are disappointed that Israel didn't attack Syria, and that it lost its war with Hizbullah. (Evidence here.)

But, they would have us believe that "Victory is still an option in Iraq."
They argue ( here or here ; full report here ) that we can still do this by a surge of additional U.S. soldiers and marines, who, partnered with Iraquis, will clear neighborhoods then remain behind to maintain security while reconstruction aid is used to reestablish normalcy.

In August, 2008, a controversy among/about neoconservatism appears to be slipping out from under the cone of silence. It is over the question of divided or dual loyalties and what is in the respective interests of the U.S. and Israel. Though somewhat unfavorable to neocons, you can learn about it from this source:

As of January 2010, neocons seem to have regrouped somewhat.

This page assembled by: Frederick N. Chase