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Fascism - What is it?
This is a pretty good take on the essence of Fascism.

20210219 Fascism - the Ultimate Definition - Commented +++.htm


·         People use fascism like this

·         Fascism is to some extent a cluster concept.  

·         See a number of other definitions of fascism here.  There and in another large effort with many scholars cited, here, there are few scholars cited in both!

·         This is the Wikipedia page on Fascism.

·         Protofascism refers to nascent fascism.   Nascent fascism can be defined this way.html

·         Finally, this document 20181028 Americans Still Don’t Understand Fascism +++.doc  may be onto something. According to Umair Haque, fascism is, in essence, the rule of violence, committed to establish hierarchies of personhood, with the intent of institutionalizing them.