Complex business systems, e-commerce and automated business transactions
require robust and rigorous security measures. Companies using the Internet
environment as a platform to conduct business have a better probability
of success if they accommodate the needs of security-conscious clientele.
Today's Internet clientele demand stringent security protocols to protect
their interests, privacy, communication, value exchange, and information
assets. This article demonstrates how public key cryptography supports
these risk management requirements and solves e-commerce security problems
in heterogeneous network environments.
Public key cryptography supports security mechanisms such as confidentiality,
integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation. However, to successfully
implement these security mechanisms, you must carefully plan an infrastructure
to manage them. A public key infrastructure (PKI) is a foundation on which
other applications, system, and network security components are built.
A PKI is an essential component of an overall security strategy that must
work in concert with other security mechanisms, business practices, and
risk management efforts.
PKI is a broad subject matter and is constantly evolving to meet the
growing demands of the business world. This article addresses PKI at a
relatively high-level and does not include details regarding the underlying
This article is intended to remove the mystery, fear, and misconceptions
of PKI, and offer real world opportunities for its use. Additionally, this
article presents business-level reasons for considering a PKI in various
environments, and the business problems a PKI can solve. This article is
also intended to help organizations determine their requirements and necessity
for a PKI, and what features they need for their particular business. This
article should be considered as a PKI planning guide.
Why Implement a PKI?
The omnipresence of the Internet and e-commerce technologies present many
opportunities, but also pose security and integrity issues. For e-commerce
to flourish, businesses, customers, vendors, suppliers, regulatory agencies,
and other stakeholders must be assured that trusted business relationships
are maintained.
An illustration presents the point. If a merchant today has a physical
presence at a store, that is, brick and mortar, and customers patronize
them for goods and services, the merchant will typically request and receive
payment for these directly from either the customers or their agent (e.g.,
their bank via the presentation of a monetary instrument such as a check),
at the time that the goods and services were bargained for and/or provided.
The process of exchanging goods and services for value is almost as universal
as the rules by which those conversions take place. In many cases those
rules are codified, in others they reflect accepted custom.
Whether systematic or custom, the processes in use today provide for
the establishment of a trusted business relationship in that the customer
and merchant both authenticate one another to the extent that they are
willing to undertake the transaction. If an easily recognized monetary
instrument like cash is used for transactions, there may be very little
authentication which must occur. If a credit card or check is used, then
the authentication may include the establishment of the customer's identity
to the merchant. In addition, the authentication may also allow for a measure
of non-repudiation to be set so that the customer does not deny the transaction
This traditional face-to-face transaction requires only minimal interaction
and normally does not necessitate the use of other security and integrity
However, for e-commerce on the Internet, additional security and integrity
mechanisms become necessary. Merchants are typically not willing to ship
goods or perform services until a payment has been accepted for them. In
addition, authentication can allow for a measure of non-repudiation so
the customer cannot deny the transaction occurred. Similarly, consumers
need assurance that they are purchasing from a legitimate enterprise, rather
than a hacker's site whose sole purpose is to collect credit card numbers.
With the changes in today's business environments and the shift from
the traditional face-to-face business models, mechanisms must be developed
to ensure that trusted relationships are maintained and can flourish.
The implementation of a PKI is intended to provide mechanisms to ensure
trusted relationships are established and maintained. The specific security
functions in which a PKI can provide foundation are confidentiality, integrity,
non-repudiation, and authentication.
Uses of PKI
A PKI does not serve a particular business function; rather, a PKI provides
a foundation for other security services. The primary function of a PKI
is to allow the distribution and use of public keys and certificates with
security and integrity. A PKI is a foundation on which other applications
and network security components are built. Systems that often require PKI-based
security mechanisms include email, various chip card applications, value
exchange with e-commerce (e.g., debit and credit cards), home banking,
and electronic postal systems.
A PKI has many uses and applications. As discussed later in this article,
a PKI enables the basic security services for such varied systems as:
SSL, IPsec and HTTPS for communication and transactional security
S/MIME and PGP for email security
SET for value exchange
Identrus for B2B
Some key benefits that PKI and its use of public key cryptography offers
for e-commerce and other organizations are as follows:
Reduces transactional processing expenses
Reduces and compartmentalizes risk
Enhances efficiency and performance of systems and networks
Reduces the complexity of security systems with binary symmetrical methods
In addition, many other similar solutions rely on the fundamentals of public
key cryptography such as:
Student IDs on college campuses
Anonymous value exchange
Transit ticketing
Identification (passports and drivers licenses)
Notarization (contract, emails, etc.)
Software distribution
Symmetric key management
There are different challenges in the e-commerce world that a well-planned
PKI solution addresses; however, there are also many challenges to consider
when attempting the selection of a particular PKI solution. Some of these
are technical while others are a question of applicability to a specific
business model.
It is important to understand that a PKI is not by itself an authentication,
authorization, auditing, privacy, or integrity mechanism. Rather, a PKI
is an enabling infrastructure that supports these various business and
technical needs. In particular, a PKI only allows for the identification
of entities. For example, a PKI does not infer trust by itself, but requires
the establishment of a trust base, on which the PKI can rely. This requirement
means that the basis of trust must be established on a personal, business,
or other level, before it can be accepted by the PKI.
A real world example of this is, suppose you misplace your drivers license
and are issued a temporary one which does not have your photograph. A temporary
license without a picture does not allow a store clerk to determine if
you are the owner of it. Therefore, you may not be able to write a check
or use a credit card because your identification mechanism, the temporary
license, is not acceptable. This indicates that the trust inferred by identification
is a rather subjective matter.
The issue of trust often arises when designing a PKI. From an e-commerce
standpoint, a notable predicament of remote business transactions is that
of original entity authentication. How an organization identifies and authenticates
a customer or entity remotely the first time is a difficult problem. The
amount of risk that an organization is willing to endure determines the
level of effort they must expend during initial authentication. If high-value
transactions or transactions with significant legal consequences occur
in your organization, a stringent set of tests should be satisfied for
a customer or entity to authenticate their identity. Conversely, if there
is little risk to issue certificates to entities, for example, userids
to access a public Web site, then those tests may be more simple. In any
case, the original entity authentication can occur offline and out of band
when more stringent means are needed, or dynamically and online for those
needing less robust methods. The original entity authentication or initializing
problem is not solved directly by a PKI, but must be addressed operationally
in each unique business environment.
In the e-commerce environment, this problem is magnified when organizations
move from local to regional and then extra-regional environments. How does
a clerk in Denmark determine if a driver's license, temporary or otherwise,
is legitimate if it was issued in Japan? How do they determine if they
should trust the credentials presented? What mechanism do they use to make
that determination? How did the original authority, which issues the credentials,
determine the identity of the requestor? Do you trust the original authority
to perform its identification tests properly? These are all fundamental
issues that a PKI must contend with.
With the rapid expansion of e-commerce, closed proprietary legacy systems
that only support binary transactional relationships are giving way to
more open Internet-based systems, that support remote, many-to-many relationships.
Different threats exist in these two very different business models and
thus different security functions must be employed to address them. Prior
to considering how a PKI can support your business venture into e-commerce,
you must identify and evaluate your business requirements for the different
security mechanisms that a PKI can enable. You must also identify the specific
threats that exist in your environment.
Planning a PKI Infrastructure
This section briefly discusses how different business opportunities have
different needs, and how these differences should be considered when planning
a PKI.
Defining Business Requirements
A short example will illustrate how different business opportunities have
different needs. If a business is a news magazine that freely distributes
data over the Internet, the primary concern is maintaining the integrity
of the data so it cannot be modified without authorization. Implementing
a PKI to simply enable data integrity may not be a cost effective expenditure
of resources.
On the other hand, if a business is selling products or services over
the Internet, implementing a PKI may be in order. For an e-commerce business,
the following must be accounted for when planning a PKI:
Integrity for the posted prices
Identification and authentication for a potentially large population of
Confidentiality of customer and transaction information
Non-repudiation for supporting dispute resolution
Implementing a PKI to enable these various security mechanisms can provide
an online merchant with a cost effective approach to risk management.
Other considerations for defining business requirements of a PKI include:
Careful planning Internet-based e-commerce business solutions
are often complex, as are the PKI solutions necessary to support them.
Take the time to perform a detailed evaluation of your business and technical
environments before taking steps to implement a PKI.
Interoperability Does your current business model require
interoperability? With whom? For what purpose? If your PKI requires interoperability,
you should determine which of the different standards and protocols you
must adhere. Tangentially, most PKI related standards are in the early
stages of development and acceptance. ISO, ANSI, IETF, IEEE, and PKCS are
a few examples of standards under development for PKI. Because of the competing
standards and protocols and the various interpretations that different
vendors have of these, it is critical that organizations determine their
interoperability needs.
Determining a PKI system and vendor There are different PKI
and cryptographic systems from competing vendors. Several different protocols,
certificate formats, and platforms exist. Some investigation is needed
to decide which PKI and vendor is the best for your particular business
enterprise. Often a standards compliant solution from one vendor will not
integrate with that of another vendor. This may cause problems if you consider
a multi-vendor PKI solution.
Performance and capacity In situations where large amounts
of data must be enciphered for confidentiality, public key cryptography
may not be suitable because the cryptographic algorithms perform at relatively
slow speeds. Symmetric or secret key cryptography is typically used for
these applications. Key management is where public key cryptography plays
a role in supporting the encryption of large amounts of data for confidentiality.
A PKI can be established for the distribution of the symmetric or secret
keys that are subsequently used for the encipherment of data. Public keys
and public key certificates can also be significantly larger than symmetric
keys and this can affect how they are stored. For example, in the limited
memory constraints of a chip card, size can matter.
Structure and Components of a PKI
This section describes the framework of a PKI and how the components of
a PKI work together. In addition, this section defines some common terms
used in a PKI.
PKI Framework
The framework of a PKI consists of security and operational policies, security
services, and interoperability protocols supporting the use of public-key
cryptography for the management of keys and certificates. The generation,
distribution, and management of public keys and associated certificates
normally occur through the use of Certification Authorities (CAs), Registration
Authorities (RAs), and directory services, which can be used to establish
a hierarchy or chain of trust. CA, RA, and directory services allow for
the implementation of digital certificates that can be used to identify
different entities. The purpose of a PKI framework is to enable and support
the secured exchange of data, credentials, and value (such as monetary
instruments) in various environments that are typically insecure, such
as the Internet.
A PKI enables the establishment of a trust hierarchy. This is one of
the primary principles of a PKI. In Internet-based e-commerce, formal trust
mechanisms must exist to provide risk management controls. The concept
of trust, relative to a PKI, can be explained by the role of the CA. In
the Internet environment, entities unknown to each other do not have sufficient
trust established between them to perform business, contractual, legal,
or other types of transactions. The implementation of a PKI using a CA
provides this trust.
In short, a CA functions as follows. Entities that are unknown to one
another, each individually establish a trust relationship with a CA. The
CA performs some level of entity authentication, according to its established
rules as noted in its Certificate Practices Statement or CPS, and then
issues each individual a digital certificate. That certificate is signed
by the CA and thus vouches for the identity of the individuals. Unknown
individuals can now use their certificates to establish trust between them
because they trust the CA to have performed an appropriate entity authentication,
and the CA's signing of the certificates attests to this fact. A major
benefit of a PKI is the establishment of a trust hierarchy because this
scales well in heterogeneous network environments.
Trust Models
The implementation of a PKI requires an analysis of business objectives
and the trust relationships that exist in their environment. The awareness
of these trust relationships leads to the establishment of an overall trust
model that the PKI enforces. The following three common examples of trust
models are presented for comparison purposes.
A hierarchical trust model represents the most typical implementation of
a PKI. In its most simple instantiation, this trust model allows end entities'
certificates to be signed by a single CA. In this trust model, the hierarchy
consists of a series of CAs that are arranged based on a predetermined
set of rules and conventions.
For example, in the financial services world, rather than have a single
authority sign all end entities' certificates, there may be one CA at a
national level that signs the certificates of particular financial institutions.
Then each institution would itself be a CA that signs the certificates
of their individual account holders. Within a hierarchical trust model
there is a trust point for each certificate issued. In this case, the trust
point for the financial institution's certificate is the national or root
CA. The trust point for an individual account holder is their institution's
CA. This approach allows for an extensible, efficient, and scalable PKI.
There are trade-offs to be considered when determining the placement
of trust points for end entities in a PKI. In a tiered hierarchy with multiple
CAs, compartmentalization of risk can be established, but each CA multiplies
the administrative effort necessary to maintain the entire hierarchy. Conversely,
a flat hierarchy with a single CA is much easier to administer; however,
a failure of that single CA will corrupt the entire trust model and potentially
all certificates signed by it.
Distributed (Web of Trust)
A distributed Web of trust is one that does not incorporate a CA. No trusted
third party actually vouches for the identity or integrity of any end entity.
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) uses this type of trust model in email environments.
This trust model does not scale well into the Internet-based e-commerce
world because each end entity is left to its own devices to determine the
level of trust that it will accept from other entities.
Direct (Peer to Peer)
Direct peer-to-peer trust models are used with secret or symmetric key-based
systems. A trusted third party does not exist in a direct trust model.
Thus, each end entity in a peer-to-peer relationship establishes trust
with every other entity on an individual basis. This of course, is rather
labor-intensive and similar to the Web of trust model. This trust model
does not scale well into the Internet-based e-commerce world.
Cross Certification
If PKIs are to be implemented in any widespread fashion, cross certification
is another important factor to consider. Instead of using a single global
CA, cross certification allows end entities to use a CA based on their
particular needs. It is possible that end entities under one CA may need
to authenticate end entities under another CA; however, cross certification
supports this relatively straightforward process. Essentially, what occurs
in a cross certification is that one CA certifies another. As with the
generation of an end entity's digital certificate, a CA performs various
due diligence tests on the CA it will cross certify. These tests are taken
in accordance with the published Certificate Policy and Certificate Practices
Statement of the certifying CA.
When a cross-certificate is issued, it extends the trust relationship
of a CA. A relying entity, for example, may desire to validate the public
key certificate of an end entity whose signing CA's public key it is not
aware of. Assuming that the relying entity trusts its own CA, when it sees
a cross-certificate signed by that CA, it will then also trust that other
CA, and subsequent certificates signed by it.
The net effect of cross certification is to allow many PKI deployments
to be both extensible and scalable.
Security Services
The principle business objectives and risk management controls that can
be implemented by a PKI are summarized in this section. An organization
should only consider the implementation of a PKI if they have an actual
business need for one or more of the security services described in the
following sections. Note that these security services depend on the correct
use of accepted certificate formats and signing protocols. Without adherence
to accepted certificate formats and signing protocols, relying entities
cannot determine the correctness of results from various operations.
Confidentiality means ensuring that the secrecy and privacy of data is
provided with cryptographic encryption mechanisms. Customer personal information
and legal or contractual data are prime examples of data that should be
kept secret by using confidentiality mechanisms. Encryption of data is
possible by using either public (asymmetric), or secret (symmetric) cryptography.
Since public key cryptography is not as efficient as secret key cryptography
for data encipherment, it is normally used to encipher relatively small
data objects such as secret keys used by symmetric-based encryption systems.
Symmetric cryptographic systems are often incorporated into PKIs for bulk
data encryption; thus, they are normally the actual mechanism used to provide
Integrity means ensuring that data cannot be corrupted or modified and
transactions cannot be altered. Public key certificates and digital signature
envelopes are good examples of information that must have an assurance
of integrity. Often, the content of messages, emails, purchase transactions
and contracts, and information that others rely on, also require the assurance
of integrity. Integrity can be provided within a PKI by the use of either
public (asymmetric), or secret (symmetric) cryptography. An example of
secret key cryptography used for integrity is DES in Cipher Block Chaining
mode where a Message Authentication Code (MAC) is generated. Note that
in the PKI environment, using symmetric cryptographic systems for implementing
integrity does not scale particularly well. Public key cryptography is
typically used in conjunction with a hashing algorithm such as SHA-1 or
MD5 to provide integrity. A well-designed PKI will use protocols that require
the use of these algorithms to provide an efficient integrity mechanism.
Authentication means verifying that the identity of entities is provided
by the use of public key certificates and digital signature envelopes.
Authentication in the e-commerce environment is performed very well by
public key cryptographic systems incorporated into PKIs. In fact, the primary
goal of authentication in a PKI is to support the remote and unambiguous
authentication between entities unknown to each other, using public key
certificates and CA trust hierarchies. Authentication in a PKI environment,
relies on the mathematical relationship between the public and private
keys. Messages signed by one entity can be tested by any relying entity.
The relying entity can be confident that only the owner of the private
key originated the message, because only the owner has access to the private
Non-repudiation means ensuring that data, cannot be renounced or a transaction
denied. This is provided through public key cryptography by digital signing.
Non-repudiation is a critical security service of any e-commerce application
where value exchange, legal, or contractual obligations are negotiated.
Non-repudiation is a by-product of using public key cryptography. When
data is cryptographically signed using the private key of a key pair, anyone
who has access to the public key of that pair can determine that only the
owner of the key pair itself could have signed the data in question. For
this reason, it is paramount that end entities secure and protect their
private keys used for digitally signing data.
PKI Logical Components
Different logical components comprise a PKI. As noted previously, a PKI
is a framework of people, processes, policies, protocols, hardware, and
software used to generate, manage, store, deploy, and revoke public key
certificates. The following outlines the typical logical components in
a PKI used in an e-commerce environment. Note that although the security
and integrity of the physical infrastructure is important to the successful
implementation of a PKI, that subject is beyond the scope of this article.
This section discusses the following logical components of a PKI:
End entities or subscribers
Certificate authorities
Certificate policies
Certificate practices statement
Hardware security modules
Public key certificates
Certificate extensions
Registration authorities
Certificate depositories
End Entities or Subscribers
An end entity or subscriber is any user or thing, including inanimate objects,
such as computers that have a need for a digital certificate to identify
them for some reason. The end entity normally must have the capacity to
generate a public/private key pair and some means of securely storing and
using the private key. By definition, an end entity is not a CA.
Certificate Authorities
As noted previously in the discussion on Trust, a Certificate Authority
plays a critical role in a PKI. According to the IETF, a CA is "an authority
trusted by one or more users to create and assign public key certificates."
[Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure PKIX Roadmap, March 10, 2000]
To elaborate, a CA functions as a trusted third party and provides various
key management services. A CA essentially certifies the identity of an
end entity. This is accomplished by an entity providing sufficient proof
of their identity to the CA, and then having the CA generate a message
containing the entity's identity and public key. This message is called
a certificate and is cryptographically signed by the CA. The level of trust
that a CA has depends on the level of acceptance that other entities have
in that CA. This level of acceptance depends on the policies and procedures
the CA has established to ascertain the user's identity.
A CA's public keys must be distributed to all entities that trust the
CA's certificates. If a CA is a Root CA, that is, at the top of the trust
hierarchy and has no superior CA to vouch for it, then the CA must distribute
its public keys as self-signed certificates with an acceptable key certificate
format and distribution protocol. The CA must also make its cleartext public
keys available, so that relying entities can resolve the self-signed certificates.
The key management-related functions performed by a CA are:
Certificate generation
Certificate revocation
A CA works within the context of an overall business policy known as a
Certificate Policy (CP) and functions operationally according to a Certificate
Practices Statement (CPS). The CP and CPS are discussed briefly in the
next section.
Certificate Policy
A primary tenet of e-commerce security is the CP statement. The CP statement
provides the overall guiding principles that an organization endorses regarding
who may do what and how to systems and data. A CP also specifies how controls
are managed. In addition, a CP names a set of rules that indicates the
applicability of a public key certificate to a particular community or
class of applications with common security requirements. For example, a
particular CP might indicate applicability of a type of public key certificate
to the authentication of electronic data interchange transactions for the
trading of goods for monetary value.
Each PKI implementation should reflect the following in a CP statement:
Purpose of the PKI
Specific business requirements the PKI addresses through:
Security architecture
Associated trust model and threat profile
Specific security services the PKI supports
The CP statement should also reflect the specific business realities of
a particular customer. For example, e-commerce merchants may desire assurance
of timely payment for goods and services rendered through the use of authentication
and non-repudiation mechanisms. Alternately, a facilitator of proprietary
email services may only require confidentiality of information through
the use of encryption facilities.
Certificate Practices Statement
The details of a policy statement should be published in a Certificate
Practices Statement or CPS. The CPS is a statement of the practices that
a CA employs in issuing public key certificates. The CPS document enumerates
the procedural and operational practices of a PKI. The CPS should detail
all processes within the life cycle of a public key certificate including
its generation, issuance, management, storage, deployment, and revocation.
The CPS should also specify the original entity authentication process
that an end entity must be validated through before participating in a
PKI. The objective of the CPS is to instill trust in the PKI such that
the user community at large will have sufficient confidence to participate
in it.
Hardware Security Modules
Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) are another primary component of a CA.
A CA must instill trust in not only its client base but also in those who
rely upon the certificates issued to subscribers. Since that trust is predicated
upon the security and integrity of the CA's private keys used to sign the
public key certificates of subscribers, it is necessary that those private
keys be secured as best as possible. For this reason, CAs should only store
and use their private keys in specialized computer equipment known as HSMs.
HSMs are also known as Tamper Resistant Security Modules or (TRSMs) and
because of their reliance in the financial services industry, TRSMs are
well-defined through various acceptance standards in terms of their features
and operational characteristics. The implementation and use of a qualified
HSM is critical to any CA and the PKI it supports. Various standards are
used to categorize HSMs, for example, FIPS-140-1.
Public Key Certificates
As stated previously, a CA's primary purpose is to support the generation,
management, storage, deployment, and revocation of public key certificates.
A public key certificate demonstrates or attests to the binding of an end
entity's identity and its public key. That is, it contains enough information
for some other relying entity to validate and verify the identity of the
owner of the certificate. The basic constructs of a certificate should
include the name of an entity, identifying information about the entity,
expiration period for the certificate, and the entity's public key. Normally
one would expect a certificate used in the e-commerce world to include
additional information and be based upon an accepted format to allow interoperability.
Other additional and useful information may be included in a certificate:
serial numbers, the CA's name, the CA's public key certificate itself,
the type of algorithms used to generate and verify the keys and certificate,
and any other information that the CA generating the certificate considers
The most widely used format for digital certificates are those based
on the IETF X.509 standards. A detailed semantic profile of X.509 based
public key certificates can be found in the IETF RFC 2459 and related documentation.
It should be noted that there is no one single definition of a public key
certificate defined in the IETF standards. Vendors, integrators, and others
offering PKI solutions each have their own ideas as to what extensions
and particular data an X.509 certificate should contain. Organizations
should evaluate their business needs relative to the constructs of the
public key certificates that they wish to issue.
Certificate Extensions
Certificate extensions provide additional information within a certificate
and allow them to be tailored for the particular needs of an organization.
Be aware that certificate extensions can affect the interoperability of
certificates if a relying party does not recognize the structure or content
of the certificate extensions. The types of information that may be found
in a certificate extension include: policy, usage, revocation, and naming
data, which provide particular details unique to an organization's PKI.
Registration Authorities
A Registration Authority (RA) is an optional but common component of a
PKI. An RA is used to perform some of the administrative tasks that a CA
would normally undertake. Most importantly, an RA is delegated, with the
CA's explicit permission, the authority to perform tasks on behalf of the
CA. The primary purpose of an RA is to verify an end entity's identity
and determine if an end entity is entitled to have a public key certificate
issued. The RA must enforce all policies and procedures defined in the
CA's CP and CPS. A typical function of an RA is to interrogate an end entity's
certificate request by examining the name, validity dates, applicable constraints,
public key, certificate extensions, and related information. The RA may
also be responsible for performing due diligence tests on the end entity.
This responsibility may be as simple as ensuring the name of the end entity
is unique within the scope of the PKI; or, it may be as involved as making
credit checks on potential clients.
Certificate Depositories
As with an RA, a certificate depository, sometimes referred to as a certificate
directory, is also an optional but common component of a PKI. A certificate
depository may be an efficient solution for closed systems (e.g., intranet)
or those in isolated processing environments (e.g., chipcard-based applications)
where the Root CA public key is distributed locally or revocation lists
are stored locally. Many other situations warrant the use of a certificate
or Certificate Revocation List (CRL) depository. The use of depositories
for CRL distribution is discussed later in this article.
Certificate distribution can be accomplished by simply publishing certificates
in a directory controlled by a CA or RA. When the directory is controlled
by the CA or RA, the certificate distribution process is greatly simplified.
Rather than trying to distribute every certificate to a unique point, the
CA simply updates the directory. A critical factor is that only the CA
must have the authority to update or modify the directory, but the directory
must be publicly readable.
LDAP is a good example of a simple and efficient standards based directory
format and protocol that can be used for certificate distribution. In particular,
LDAP is optimized for easy read access by thin clients that are a necessity
in many PKI implementations. Because LDAP defines an API for the application
layer used by different clients, users realize a level of scalability and
portability, and do not have to contend with the upper layers of the stack.
This API also makes it easier for different applications to quickly implement
Although LDAP is becoming a de facto standard for certificate distribution,
organizations that need an even more robust certificate depository can
consider alternatives such as X.500.
PKI Functions
This section discusses the following basic processes which are common to
all PKIs:
Public key cryptography Includes the generation, distribution,
administration, and control of cryptographic keys.
Certificate issuance Binds a public-key to an individual,
organization, or other entity, or to some other data-for example, an email
or purchase order.
Certificate validation Verifies that a trust relationship
or binding exists and that a certificate is still valid for specific operations.
Certificate revocation Cancels a previously issued certificate
and either publishes the cancellation to a Certificate Revocation List
or enables an Online Certificate Status Protocol process.
Public Key Cryptography
This section is a brief overview of the cryptography that is incorporated
into a PKI. Current public key cryptography as described in this article
is mostly attributed to Diffie and Hellman and Rivest, Shamir and Adleman.
Because of its widespread use in e-commerce, this article focuses on
the RSA (named for its creators: Rivest, Shamir and Adleman) public key
cryptographic system. RSA is a public key cryptographic algorithm that
is based on the hard mathematical problem of factoring composite numbers.
The keys used by the RSA crypto-system are based on the product of two
large prime numbers that derive their cryptographic strength from the fact
that it is difficult to factor large composite numbers of this kind. RSA
uses a pair of keys: a public key which is made known to many entities,
and a private key for which secrecy and integrity are strictly controlled
and only used by the owner of that key. Given an appropriate key length,
it is computationally infeasible to determine one key from another. The
basic cryptographic feature of RSA is that it allows the encryption of
clear text data with one key but decryption with the other. This basic
cryptographic feature is what provides RSA its asymmetry.
RSA performs the generation of a public/private key pair as follows:
Two large primes, p and q are used to compute their product n = pq,
where n is called the modulus. A number is chosen, e, which
is less than n and relatively prime to (p-1)(q-1),
which means e and (p-1)(q-1) have no common factors
except 1. Another number is chosen, d, such that (ed - 1)
is divisible by (p-1)(q-1). This is the inverse of e
and means that ed = 1 mod (p-1)(q-1).
The values e and d are called the public and private exponents,
respectively. The public key is the pair (n, e) and the private
key is (d).
RSA supports two basic modes of operation: encryption and digital signatures.
These are outlined in the following sections.
Key strength
Key strength is a critical factor in cryptography. An insufficiently strong
key will corrupt even the best-designed PKI. The level of cryptographic
strength of any key depends on its use, but in general, the following apply:
To prevent their potential compromise, keys must be replaced prior to the
time feasible to determine them through cryptanalysis.
A key must be replaced by a new key within the time feasible to perform
a successful dictionary or brute force attack on the old key.
A key must not be used to ensure the security or integrity of data where
it is feasible to determine that key in a period of time less than the
useful life of that data.
Note that these points do not dictate specific key lengths, but rather
provide guidance on how to determine if a key is fit for purpose.
RSA encryption is the creation of ciphertext by one entity using another
entity's public key to perform the encryption. This allows many entities
to send one entity encrypted messages without the need to first exchange
secret or private cryptographic keys. And because the encryption was performed
with a public key, it can only be decrypted with the corresponding private
key so that only the intended recipient can decrypt and read the original
RSA encipherment is performed as follows:
c = me mod n
Where m is the message to be enciphered and c is the
resultant ciphertext.
The specific operation performed is the exponentiation of me
mod n, where e and n are the public key of the recipient
of the ciphertext.
The recovery of the ciphertext by the recipient occurs as follows:
c = cd mod n
The specific operation performed is the exponentiation of cd
mod n where d and n are the recipients private key.
Digital Signatures
RSA digital signatures work in an inverse fashion from encryption. Digital
signatures are generated by performing the encryption of some cleartext
using one's own private key. This encryption allows one entity to send
a message to many other entities that may then authenticate that message,
without the need to first exchange secret or private cryptographic keys.
The recipient simply decrypts the message with the originator's public
An RSA digital signature is performed as follows:
s = md mod n
Where m is the message and s the resultant digital
The specific operation performed is the exponentiation of md
mod n where d and n are the sender's (of the message)
private key.
The authentication of the digital signature by the recipient occurs
as follows:
m = se mod n
The specific operation performed is the exponentiation of se
mod n where e and n are the sender's public key.
Hash Functions
Given its general acceptance and incorporation in cryptographic standards,
SHA-1 is a good example of a hash function. The purpose of SHA-1 is to
provide a non-secret key-based hash. It is widely used in public key cryptography,
especially in conjunction with RSA, where public key-based authentication
mechanisms are required.
SHA-1 is a one-way hash function that takes an arbitrary length message,
processes it, and returns a fixed length, 20 byte value. A secret key is
not used. The primary characteristic of SHA-1 is that it provides a mechanism
that makes it easy to compute a hash from some data, but difficult to determine
any data from a computed hash value.
There are two important security properties of SHA-1:
SHA-1 is one-way, given SHA-1(x) it is difficult to find x.
SHA-1 is collision-resistant, given it is hard to find x,y with
y satisfying:
SHA-1 offers the benefit of providing a unique image or value of a message
that has been hashed without the necessity for performing a more time consuming
public key encryption of the entire message. When this unique value is
sent with the message which was used to create it, the receiver is provided
with the ability to test the message to determine if it has been altered
or not.
Symmetric Key Encryption
An overview of public key cryptography is not complete without mentioning
symmetric or secret key cryptography. The reason for this is that public
key cryptographic systems lack the positive performance characteristics
of symmetric systems. The ramification of this under-performance is that,
in practice, symmetric systems such as DES, Triple-DES, or IDEA are used
to perform encipherment of data for confidentiality, where the data is
more than a negligible length. In this way, symmetric key encryption supplements
public key cryptographic systems.
The fundamental characteristics of symmetric cryptographic systems used
with PKI are that the same key is used for both encryption and decryption.
Because of this symmetry the key must be kept secret and shared only between
two parties.
Key Separation
Although the RSA cryptographic system allows a single pair of keys to be
used for both encryption and digital signature operations, this is not
a good practice. The concept of key separation is that keys must only be
employed for specifically defined functions. This helps to isolate any
corruption that may occur from the compromise of a cryptographic key, and
to also avoid certain cryptographic attacks. This isolation is referred
to as compartmentalization of risk. In a well-designed PKI, to enable an
appropriate level of risk compartmentalization, different key pairs should
be used for encryption and digital signature generation.
Public Key Certificate Binding
To participate in a PKI, an end entity must enroll or register in a PKI.
The result of this process is the generation of a public key certificate.
The primary objective of a CA is to bind the identifying information and
credentials supplied by an end entity with the public key of that end entity.
The binding is declared when a trusted CA digitally signs the public key
certificate with its private key. This process is outlined in the following
Entity Authentication
Entity authentication or enrollment can be a difficult problem. The original
authentication or initializing process which is used to identify and validate
the entity, may be a perfunctory matter or one of extreme due diligence.
This depends on the business risk model of an organization and is reflected
in their CA. If a sufficient level of validation does not occur during
the original identification and authentication of an entity, any subsequent
reliance on the credentials and certificates issued to that identity could
be suspect.
If there is little negative consequence to the issuance and use of a
certificate, for example, renting movies from a video store, there may
be only a simple entity authentication process. Conversely, the issuance
of a certificate for use by a passport agency may be more robust if that
is a nation's first line of defense against cyber-terrorists. As a simple
matter, if an organization is attempting to replicate an existing manual
process that requires some form of identity validation, for example, to
open a savings account at a bank, they should replicate the same process
they use today. The process may be automated or manual but the credentials
required and the due diligence verification processes should be the same
or equivalent.
Note that the information and credentials requested and the enrollment
process which a CA or RA uses must be reflected in its published CPS.
Certificate Generation
To generate a certificate, the CA performs the following steps. Note that
although an RA may be used, it is excluded from the process here for brevity.
Acquire a public key from the end entity.
Verify the identity of the end entity.
Determine the attributes needed for this certificate, if any.
Format the certificate.
Digitally sign the certificate data.
Acquiring the Public Key
Depending on the value proposition and business risks associated with the
issuance of a public key certificate, the CA may take basic measures when
obtaining the required identification and certificate information. For
example, the CA may allow it to be sent electronically over the Internet,
or the CA could use more sophisticated means such as mandating out of band
manual methods (e.g., using bonded couriers). The type and integrity of
the credentials requested by the CA during the enrollment process also
depends on the intentions of the CA.
Verify the Identity of the End Entity
Again, depending on the business model in place and the amount of reliance
on the public key certificates, the CA may take simple measures to authenticate
the end entity. For example, they could simply take the end entity's word
that they are who they say they are, or the CA could institute more stringent
measures, such as a detailed due diligence process as the business proposition
merits. In any case, the most important factor in the binding process is
to ensure that an entity's identity is verified unambiguously.
Formatting the Certificate
Before the certificate is signed by the CA, all data to be placed into
the certificate is collected and formatted. The specific data content and
format of a public key certificate can vary depending on the needs of the
Signing the Certificate
Finally, the certificate is digitally signed under the private key of the
CA used for signing certificates. Once signed it can be distributed and/or
published using different vehicles.
Certificate Validation
The following provides an example of certificate validation using a digital
envelope. This is one of several approaches for using digital envelopes,
other approaches may be valid as well. Review your specific security and
business requirements before deciding on a specific approach to use digital
An Example of a PKI in Action
The following provides an example of public key cryptography in use for
both confidentiality and integrity. The purpose of this example is to illustrate
how public key cryptography mechanisms can be used in a PKI. In this example,
both parties, Alice and Bob, share a common trust point; that is, they
both use the same CA to have their certificates signed. For this reason,
they do not have to evaluate a chain of trust to determine the credibility
of any other CA. The example is not necessarily appropriate for every business
Precursor Steps
Alice and Bob each generate a public/private key pair.
Alice and Bob each provide their public keys, name, and descriptive information
to an RA.
The RA validates their credentials and forwards the certificate requests
to the CA.
The CA generates a certificate for Alice and Bob's public keys by formatting
their public keys and other information, and then signs the certificate
with the CA's private keys.
The results of this operation are that Alice and Bob each have a public/private
key pair and a public key certificate.
Alice and Bob each generate a secret symmetric key.
Now Alice and Bob each have a public/private key pair, a digital key certificate
issued by a common trusted third party (i.e., the CA), and a secret symmetric
Suppose now that Alice wishes to send Bob some data that he will rely
upon and thus requires an assurance of integrity; that is, the content
of the message cannot be altered. Alice and Bob also want the assurance
of confidentiality and want no other parties to be able to view the information.
A contract for goods and services where parties agree upon price, time,
and value exchange is a good example of such a process. The steps taken
to perform the transaction are as follows.
In this example, steps 1-5 involve Alice sending data that needs confidentiality
and integrity to Bob, using a digital signature. Steps 6-10 involve Bob
decrypting the data.
Alice takes the message in question, formats it according to the protocol
rules she and Bob have agreed to and then hashes the message. The hash
provides a unique value for the message and will later be used by Bob to
test the validity and integrity of the message.
Alice concatenates the message and the hash and then signs (i.e., encrypts)
these with her private key. This signing provides message integrity because
Bob is assured that only Alice could have generated the signature because
only Alice has access to the private key used to sign the message. Note
that anyone with access to Alice's public key can recover the signed message
and so, we have only established message integrity at this point, but not
Because Alice and Bob would like to keep the message confidential, Alice
encrypts the signed message and hash with her secret symmetric key. This
key is only shared between Alice and Bob and no one else. Note that enabling
confidentiality can be implemented through various techniques and protocols.
In this example, a symmetric key is used because it can be more efficient
than using a public key for encrypting lengthy messages such as the purchase
order here.
Alice must provide Bob with her secret symmetric key to enable Bob to decrypt
the message encrypted with that key. Alice signs (i.e., encrypts) her secret
symmetric key using Bob's public key. For this example, we assume Alice
obtained Bob's public key previously. This generates what is known as a
digital envelope and which only Bob can recover (i.e., decrypt) because
only Bob has access to the private key that is needed to recover the digital
envelope. Remember, what is done with one key of a pair can only be undone
with the other key of the pair. This provides confidentiality over the
transmission of Alice's secret symmetric key to Bob.
Alice forwards to Bob the original message and the hash that are both encrypted
with her secret symmetric key and the digital envelope containing the secret
key encrypted with Bob's public key.
FIGURE 1 illustrates Alice using a digital signature to send data to
Bob (steps 1-5).
Bob takes the digital envelope he received from Alice and recovers (i.e.,
decrypts) it with his private key. The results of performing this operation
provide Bob with the secret symmetric key that Alice previously used to
encrypt the message and the hash of the message.
Bob can now recover (i.e., decrypt) the encrypted message and hash using
Alice's secret symmetric key. Bob now has the signed cleartext message
and the signed hash of it.
Bob now recovers (i.e., decrypts) the signed message and hash of the message
by using Alice's public key. Remember, what is done with one key of a pair
can only be undone with the other key of the pair.
To ensure that no modifications have been made to the message, Bob takes
the original message and hashes it using the exact same process that Alice
used originally.
Finally, Bob compares the hash he has just produced with the hash he recovered
from the original message. If they match he is assured of the message's
FIGURE 2 illustrates Bob decrypting the data and comparing hashes (steps
Certificate Revocation
Although public key certificates are issued for a fixed period of time
before they become void, situations can arise where they are no longer
trustworthy and thus must be prematurely expired. This is known as certificate
revocation. There are many reasons that a certificate should be revoked.
The private keys could be compromised, a user is no longer a customer,
or there is a change in the information incorporated within a certificate
that is used to determine its validity.
Certificate revocation must be initiated by the CA or their delegate
such as an RA, which originated the end entity's certificate. The predominant
vehicle for certificate revocation is known as a Certificate Revocation
List or CRL. A CRL is a list generated by the CA that contains unique information
about the revoked certificates which enables relying entities to determine
if a certificate is valid or not. A CRL entry should be serialized, time-stamped,
and signed by the CA. It is normally the relying entity's responsibility
to retrieve the CRL.
A CRL must be published in a publicly available repository or directory.
LDAP is the industry's current directory of choice and has been developed
as an X.500 compliant protocol for the Internet. LDAP defines the directory
query, data storage, and management protocols.
The timely publication of the CRL is critical in Internet and e-commerce
environments. This timely publication is particularly critical during the
latency period between when a CA revokes a certificate and its subsequent
publication where there is a reliance upon the certificate for making critical
decisions. If for example, a high-value transaction is being negotiated
and a seller is relying on the CRL so they can make the decision to sell
or not, a timely CRL publication cycle may be critical to them.
There are other types of CRLs such as, segmented-CRLs, delta-CRLs, and
CRL-like mechanisms-for example, the Online Certificate Status Protocol
(OCSP). OCSP is the most interesting because it can address the latency
issue associated with standard CRL publication. OCSP is a mechanism that
actually requests, in real time, a status check for a particular certificate
from the originating CA. This has the benefit of not only being timely
but in fact, reduces or eliminates the necessity for a CA to publish a
CRL. The CRL simply waits for status check requests and responds to them
as necessary.
PKI is a complex subject and still evolving in terms of its utilization
in the commercial and e-commerce sectors. Although the underlying technology
is quite sound, issues exist in areas such as interoperability and performance.
Nonetheless, PKI offers considerable benefits to those in need of the basic
security services described in this article.
Those considering a PKI should evaluate their environment to understand
where they require basic security services and thus where a PKI would be
most useful.
When progressing to a PKI, careful planning is critical. Start small
with a pilot implementation. This will allow you to gain an understanding
of the issues and also the operational, security, and practical aspects
particular to your environment.
With the successful implementation of a pilot PKI and a clear understanding
of focused goals and objectives, which can realistically be satisfied by
a PKI, you can proceed to a more comprehensive implementation of a PKI.
ANSI American National Standards Institute
B2B Business to Business
DES - Data Encryption Standard
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard
HTTPS Secure Hypertext Transaction Protocol
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IPsec Secure Internet Protocol
ISO International Organization for Standardization
PGP Pretty Good Privacy
PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standards
PKI - Public Key Infrastructure
SET Secure Electronic Transactions
SHA-1: Secure Hash Standard
S/MIME Secure Multipurpose INternet Mail Extensions
SSL Secure Socket Layer
Carlisle Adams, Understanding Public-key Infrastructure, Macmillan
Technical Publishing, November 1999
Tom Austin, PKI - A Wiley Tech Brief, Wiley, John & Sons
Incorporated, December 2000
Arto Salomaa, Public-Key Cryptography, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
Heidelberg, 1990
Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography, Wiley, John & Sons,
Incorporated, October 1995
Alfred Menezes, Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press,
LLC, October 1996
PKI Practices and Policy Framework Draft, ANSI X9.79 standard
William Polk, Bridge Certification Authorities: Connecting B2B Public
Key Infrastructures, 2000
Certificate Issuing and Management Components
Protection Profile, 2001
Russell Housley, Internet Public Key Infrastructure, X509 Certificates
and CRL Profile RFC 2459, 1999
S. Chokhani, Certificate Policy and Certification Practices Framework,
RFC 2527
Author's Bio: Joel Weise
Joel Weise has worked in the field of data security for over 20 years.
As a Senior Security Architect for Sun Professional Services, he designs
system and application security solutions for a range of different enterprises
from financial institutions to government agencies. He specializes in cryptography
and public key infrastructures. Prior to joining Sun, Joel was a Senior
Project Manager for Visa International. There he was responsible for developing
cryptographic standards, designing key management and cryptographic systems
and architecting security solutions for chipcard, Internet, and other new