From Sturdy Old Survivor, a Hardier Elm Grows

RINCETON, N.J. — More than 70 springs have come and
gone since the first victims succumbed, but grieving friends and
brokenhearted lovers have never stopped searching for survivors of one
of the worst ecological calamities in American history.
They stalk damp backwoods and prowl deserted country
roads looking for rare American elm trees that have somehow managed to
ward off Dutch elm disease, which spread in successive waves across
much of the country beginning in the 1930's, killing more than 77
million elms in the biological blink of an eye.
They are looking for a noble giant hiding in an
overgrown field or standing sentinel over a disappeared farm, an elm
that is not just an isolated wallflower that somehow escaped infection,
but rather a true survivor that could yield the secret to its
For Roger W. Holloway, a wholesale nursery supplier in
Atlanta, the search for super elms has become a consuming crusade that
has taken him to an unlikely place to find a survivor: an old graveyard
Five years ago, Mr. Holloway, 49, drove into Princeton
through a long allée of elms — most of them planted just before
Dutch elm arrived. The size, shape and sheer beauty of the 70-year-old
trees arching gracefully over the road convinced him this was indeed
the place to look.
Now Mr. Holloway says he is certain he has found the
mother of all those elms: a majestic giant standing in a prominent spot
in Princeton since before it became a cemetery in 1757. About 100 feet
tall, this noble elm bows gracefully over the corner of Witherspoon and
Wiggins Streets, not far from Princeton University, and shades the
grave of Dr. Thomas Wiggins (1731-1801), who donated land for the
cemetery and for whom the street is named. The tree's gnarled base is
so massive that it has crept over part of Dr. Wiggins's grave marker
and nearly swallowed the white marble tombstones of three of his
Mr. Holloway believes — and others have confirmed — that
this hardy survivor in Princeton Cemetery is the progenitor of a whole
generation of disease-tolerant elms that growers have been shipping
around the country for the last few years. His thesis is supported by
tests conducted a few years ago that show that a significant sequence
of the Princeton giant's DNA is an exact match with the trees planted
along the entrance to Princeton.
"Long story short," said Joseph C. Kamalay, a molecular
biologist at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis,
Mo., who performed the genetic sleuthing several years ago when he
worked for the United States Forest Service, "the cemetery tree was
likely the maternal parent of the Princeton elm, at least in the
lineage, because their chloroplast DNA is identical."
Even a disease-tolerant tree does not have total
immunity. Last year, a much younger elm half a block from the cemetery
tree was infected with Dutch elm disease. It had to be cut down, but
not before the leaves on two huge branches of the cemetery tree turned
brown, a sign of the infection. The branches were pruned, and the tree
seems to be fine.
Mr. Holloway said he did not believe that the infection
had upended his theories about the tree's ability to tolerate the
disease that has killed so many others. "Just because a tree has some
issues and has to be pruned doesn't mean the end of its life," he said.
The trees that Mr. Holloway has grown and sold through
his business, Riveredge Farms, have been shown in tests by the United
States National Arboretum to withstand catastrophic injections of the
fungus that causes Dutch elm disease. Two other varieties, Valley Forge
and New Harmony, are also highly tolerant, though they are not
considered to have the same classic vase shape as the Princeton elm.
In the last few years, Princeton elms have been planted
in New York City, at the University of Oklahoma campus and in
Washington, D.C., among other places. Soon, they will also will take
root on the grounds of the White House and sprout on the pedestrian
mall being built along Pennsylvania Avenue.
Other growers are relying on the Princeton elm to revive
interest in what used to be America's favorite tree.