Data Mining
Knowledge Discovery

John F. Sowa

VivoMind LLC

Panel Discussion

4 July 2003



Today's speakers:

Speaker on Tuesday, July 8th:


Peirce's Logic of Pragmatism


Relating Logic to the World

George Box:  "All models are wrong, but some are useful."


Branches of Semeiotic

Peirce's classification:

  1. Grammar:  Patterns of signs at every level of complexity in every sensory modality.

  2. Logic:  Formal conditions for the truth of representations.

  3. Methodeutic:  Methods of observation, experiment, and testing for relating signs to their referents in science, engineering, and everday life.


Major Challenge


Replacing Sherlock Holmes


Paradox of Information Retrieval


Paradox of Machine Translation


Paradox of Machine Learning

Human knowledge is expressed in complex structures.

But most machine learning systems use very simple structures:

How can a system learn the structures that occur in language?


Utterance by a 3-year-old Child

When I was a little girl, I could go "geek, geek" like that; but now I can go "This is a chair."

Enormous logical complexity in one short passage:


A Typical Neural Network


Questions for the Panelists

Why hasn't linguistics helped information retrieval?

Why aren't richer structures used in machine learning?

How could richer learning systems be designed?

How could other branches of cognitive science

(a) contribute to research in machine learning?

(b) benefit from research in machine learning?

What are the prospects for the future?



Slides presented on the opening day:

Paper on analogical reasoning by Sowa and Majumdar:

Peirce's tutorial on existential graphs, with commentary by Sowa:

Selected papers by Peirce on semeiotic and related topics; see his 1903 lectures on pragmatism in vol. 2 for material related to this talk:

Peirce, Charles Sanders (EP) The Essential Peirce, ed. by N. Houser, C. Kloesel, and members of the Peirce Edition Project, 2 vols., Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1991-1998.

Copyright ©2003, John F. Sowa