In class we discussed the fact that the use of the field in the original Ethernet frame which was used to store TYPE information was changed to store a data size value instead. This change would have caused havoc on the Internet had it not been for a protocol that was proposed to deal with it. This protocol was called "SNAP" (Sub-Network Access Protocol) and is in wide use today. The purpose of this project is to locate information (RFCs (Request For Comment), standards, etc.) that define SNAP and interpret them. It will also be shown how the SNAP permits operation of both Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 frames on the same network.
During the early to mid-1980s, the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) set forth to define a family of standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANs & MANs) that dealt with the Physical and Data Link Layers as defined by the International Organization for Standardization's Open System Interconnection Reference Model (ISO/OSI). These standards were part of the IEEE 802 project and were initially offered in 1985. There where initially three Physical Layer standards (802.3 - CSMA/CD, 802.4 - Token Bus and 802.5 - Token Ring) and one Logical Link Control standard (802.2) defined. Since then, additional IEEE 802 standards have been defined. [1,6]
The IEEE 802.3 (CSMA/CD - Carrier Sence Multiple Access with Collision Detect) standard was based on the Ethernet version 2.0 (aka "DIX" after Digital, Intel and Xerox) standard [6,9]. Although the names "IEEE 802.3" and "Ethernet" are often used synonomously, there is a very important difference that makes them incompatible at the Data Link Layer. The difference is that the field used to store the Network Layer protocol type information in the Ethernet header is used to store data length in the IEEE 802.3 header, as shown in Figure 1 below:
The reason that the Ethernet frame did not use a length field was because the upper level vendor protocols (XNS, IPX, DECnet, IP) all had their own length fields. The reason why the IEEE changed this, putting the length field directly in the frame header was to eliminate the dependence on the upper level protocols to distinguish the end of the data, hence providing better layer separation [9]. This incompatibility brought on concern when considering issues such as backwards compatability, the evolution of protocols and the increasing need for internetworking (via the Internet, etc.). Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 networks would need a means for communicating and/or potentially coextisting on the same network regardless of the upper layer protocols used. Hence, a problem was born: What can be done to permit the coexistence of Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 frames on the same network and to allow communication between Ethernet and IEEE 802 (not just 802.3) stations on different networks? Also, how can Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 stations that are located on the same network communcate?
In order for entities to be able to communicate at a given layer, a mutually agreed upon protocol needs to be used. Any entity that does not support this protocol thereby cannot communicate. With that note, it is desirable to allow multiple protocols to be used, allowing a station to communicate using more than one mutually agreed upon protocol. This would allow new protocols to be introduced, while still allowing the existing protocols to operate simultaneously. In order to support multiple protocols, a way to distinguish them is needed so that the correct protocol can be invoked in order to process the data passed up by the layer below. [1]
The SNAP (Sub-Network Access Protocol) was created as an effort by the IEEE to support the coexistence of multiple standard (published, controlled by standards body), public (published, controlled by private organization) and private (privately used and controlled) Network Layer protocols within a single 802 station more adaquately than the original LLC (Logical Link Control) method. The backwards compatability with Ethernet was then accomplished using the SNAP. The LSAP (Link Service Access Point) space of the original 802.2 LLC header was 16 bits (8 bits each for source and destination SAP). Since each standard Network Layer protocol was given a unique SAP (so that a station's Network Layer could distinguish between multiple protocols) and since each SAP was limited to 8 bits, this lack of SAP space would be sure to cause problems with protocol evolution (standard, public or private) and problems with the existing Ethernet standard, which used 16-bit protocol IDs (called EtherTypes) [7,8]. So the SNAP was introduced in order to expand the 8-bit SAP space to a 40-bit protocol ID, and hence expand the number of public and private Network Layer protocols that could be supported [1]. In addition to supporting more Network Layer protocols, a convention that would permit the coexistence of Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 frames on the same network and a means for easy translation between Ethernet and IEEE 802 stations were created.
The SNAP is a 40-bit (5 byte) extension to the original 802.2 LLC header. The SNAP uses the first 5 bytes in the LLC PDU (Protocol Data Unit) data field as the SNAP Protocol ID, as shown in Figure 2 below:
The first 3 bytes of the SNAP Protocol ID are used to store a vendor ID, that is, which organization the Network Layer protocol came from. This vendor ID is actually the OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier); the same ID used for the first 24 bits of the 48-bit MAC (or "Ethernet") addresses associated with NICs (Network Interface Cards). The last 2 bytes of the SNAP Protocol ID are used to represent the Protocol Type within each vendor, that is, which protocol is actually being used. [1]
The Network Layer protocol type for every frame can be completely determined by the information contained in the SNAP Protocol ID. Since the SNAP Protocol ID is part of the LLC PDU's data field, the LLC sub-layer does not know the difference between a SNAP encapsulated PDU and a normal LLC PDU. Therefore, a convention was needed to allow the Network Layer protocols to determine that the data being passed is SNAP encapsulated. This was accomplished by using a reserved LSAP value of 170 (0xAA), called the "SNAP SAP," as the service access point for passing a SNAP encapsulated LLC PDU (SNAP PDU) to the Network Layer. That is, both the source and destination SAPs of the LLC header were set to 170, signifying a SNAP encapsulated LLC PDU. Based on the information contained in the 5 byte SNAP Protocol ID (vendor ID (OUI) and protocol type), the correct Network Layer protocol can be invoked to process the data or SDU (Service Data Unit) sent from a peer (different station) Network Layer via the underlying layers. [1]
Since many Ethernet (DIX) networks were in operation prior to the release of the IEEE 802 standards, there was (and still is) a need for both frame formats to be allowed to coexist on the same network. Recall that the main difference between an Ethernet frame and an IEEE 802.3 frame is that the field used for protocol type in Ethernet (EtherType value) is used for data length in IEEE 802.3 (Figure 1 or Figure 3 below). With that note, a simple solution is to insure that Ethernet frames do not use any EtherType values that IEEE 802.3 frames would potentially use for data length values, and vice-versa. This is made possible by insuring that all EtherType numbers are greater than 1500, which is the maximum data length of an IEEE 802.3 frame. Similarly, since the maximum data length of an IEEE 802.3 frame is 1500, there would never be a case where an 802.3 frame would have a length value greater than 1500. As a result, a station using the IEEE 802.3 standard would discard any frames with a length field greater than 1500 (representing an Ethernet frame). Similarly, a station using the Ethernet standard would discard any frames with a type field of less than or equal to 1500 (representing an IEEE 802.3 frame). Figure 3 below is a modification of Figure 1 showing the allowed type and length field values thus mentioned: [6,8]
Recall that although the 8-byte preamble of Ethernet frame was replaced by a 7-byte preamble field followed by a 1-byte start-of-frame delimeter in IEEE 802.3, the bit patterns are identical [Class Notes]. Hence, IEEE 802.3 and Ethernet frames can coexist on the same network.
As shown above, Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 frames can coexist on the same network. Another problem arises, however, when considering the need for Ethernet and IEEE 802 (not just 802.3) stations to communicate with each other. This problem can actually be split into two separate cases: (1) How do Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 stations on the same network communicate?, and (2) How do Ethernet and IEEE 802 (in general) stations communicate across networks? This paper shows how Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 stations (in particular) communicate as stated in case (1) and (2). For more information on how other IEEE 802 networks (802.4, 802.5, etc.) can internetwork with Ethernet networks, refer to Other related sources... below the list of References. Briefly stated, regardless of the particular IEEE 802 format used, the SNAP is used to store the same EtherType values used by Ethernet frames. Further action (via translation bridge, router or gateway) is then taken to translate the frames between Ethernet and the particular IEEE 802 formats. [1,7,8]
In the case where IEEE 802.3 and Ethernet stations are located on the same network, a translation bridge or router needs to be used to translate the frame formats. In other words, if an Ethernet station were to send a frame intended for an IEEE 802.3 station, the translation bridge or router would have to actively translate the Ethernet frame into IEEE 802.3 format using the SNAP. In doing this, the source and destination addresses of the Ethernet frame would be copied to the 802.3 MAC header. The SSAP and DSAP fields of the IEEE 802.2 LLC header would be set to the SNAP SAP of 170 (signifying SNAP encapsulation). The control field in the SNAP PDU would be set to 3 to indicate LLC Type 1 Unnumbered Information format (connectionless service) [7]. The OUI field of the SNAP Protocol ID would be set to zero, which signifies a mapped Ethernet frame [3,7]. The value stored in the type field of the Ethernet frame would be move into the protocol type field of the SNAP Protocol ID. The length field would be calculated and stored in the length field of the new 802.3 frame. The data from the Ethernet frame is copied to the data field of the SNAP PDU (See Figure 4 below). Finally, the new 802.3 frame would be sent back to the physical layer, and the destination 802.3 station would accept it. A similar process is performed when translating IEEE 802.3 frames to Ethernet. Figure 4 below shows the translation of an Ethernet frame to an IEEE 802.3 frame:
NOTICE: The maximum data size that can be placed in the data field of the SNAP PDU is now 1492 bytes, not 1500. This is because the LLC & SNAP headers take up 8 bytes, resulting in a maximum data length of (1500 - 8) = 1492 bytes. Some consideration needs to be given to this fact when transmitting, say IP packets to and from the same and/or different networks. For more information regarding this point, refer to RFC-1042 - "A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams Over IEEE 802 Networks", listed in the References section.
Using the method stated above (Case 1), in order to communicate across the Internet between Ethernet and IEEE 802 stations, the EtherType value for the IP (Internet Protocol), namely 2048 (0x0800) is used for both the Ethernet type field and the SNAP Protocol ID's protocol type field. The IP packet would then be contained in either the data field of the Ethernet frame or the data field of the SNAP PDU. Similarly, when using ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), an EtherType number of 2054 (0x806) is used. The use of other protocols would be accomplished similarly, using their corresponding EtherType value. A list of EtherType numbers is contained in RFC-1340 - "Assigned Numbers", listed in the References section.
Hence it has been shown that Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 Networks on the same network and on different networks can communicate.
When the IEEE first created its 802 standards, their intent was to provide an international family of local and metropolotan area networking standards. In doing this, they somewhat overlooked the fact the the existing Ethernet standard was in wide use and would continued to be for many years to come. They also underestimated the number of different upper layer protocol families that would need to be supported in the future, and hence the size of the header fields needed to accomidate them.
When setting out to correct these problems, rather than treating them separately, the IEEE 802 group derived a solution that corrected both at once, namely the SNAP. The SNAP allows the use of the protocol type numbers defined for Ethernet (EtherType numbers) to be used in IEEE 802 frames. This provides easy translation between Ethernet and IEEE 802 frames by a translation bridge, router or gateway. Also, by extending the protocol type space from the 8-bit LSAP values of the original 802.2 header to a 16-bit field (as in Ethernet), many more upper layer protocols could be supported, plus all the existing EtherType numbers could still be used. Hence, the SNAP was paramount in addressing the conflict between Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 frame formats, the lack of protocol ID space of the original 802.2 header, and making possible the communication between Ethernet and IEEE 802 networks.
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